The Wedding Site

      Having successfully completed many commissions over the years, I feel qualified to give some advice and a few opinions. First of all, I recommend painting two versions of your commission. The second one can be painted in a looser style or you can tell yourself it’s just for fun .This second one can often be the better of the two considering you don’t have the onus of pleasing the patron attached to it. Then when you’re finished you can choose between them and have one left over to possibly sell at a later date. Secondly, it is best to email a charcoal drawing of the proposed image and get an approval before starting .Then send another “in progress image”. This will eliminate any problems with the patrons changing their minds midstream. Of course you need a simple contract that outlines the payment schedule and a date for completion of the painting. If you received the commission through your gallery, then the contract is with the gallery and should be signed by both parties. It is your responsibility to take care of this contract. Thirdly, take the best reference photos possible. I took a professional photograher with me to my last commission, the wedding site and I’m so glad I did since he climbed over a tall deer fence and lugged his equipment up a steep hillside in order to get the best shot. I would not have been able to do that myself.My last piece of advice is to send a follow up thank you note. Consider the commissions important sales since the patrons requested that you paint them. It is really very flattering and an honor.